Testimonials for my linoprinted Queer Crow Death Magic indie tarot deck
People have said some very nice things about my tarot deck! I’ve collected those things up and am sharing them here with you. If you’ve bought the deck and would like to share a testimonial, I’d love to hear it! you can do this via my contact page.

“The things that drew me to this deck are:
1. It’s rare to find a deck that is produced using linocut print processes I think this deck joins others like the Brady tarot, the Autonomic tarot and the Nested Tarot as classic printmaker Tarot decks. Side by side, this deck is actually very congruent with Leonora Carringtons majors deck, another tarot work of queer, subversive humour.
2. The colours! Especially in Winter when nature’s colour palette is muted, these colours bring energy and vivacity to my readings. The opacity of the colours and the way ink fades delicately into each other is beautiful to me.
3. The art leaves room for my mind to find magic and the connections between repeated motifs. This is not a deck full of intricate esoteric symbolism to decode during study, rather, it’s a set of characters and scenes that interconnect. The images in the cards spiral out into a rich forest full of messages without ever becoming lost a thicket of confusion.
4. It’s queer. Something is going on that shifts of the binary polarities of masculine/feminine, light/dark, upside/underground. I appreciate a tarot that asks us questions about gender more than it attempts to provide answers. The use of colour and direction explore queerness in a way that makes a lot of space for different experiences. In this deck, bodies are powerful, they move freely, eyes are open and hands bring tenderness as well as a fight.
I really think your deck is a brilliant piece of art and a magical tool, it’s lovely.”
-Heather C

Hello, Frank! I just wanted you to know that my friends have bought 5 decks + counting JUST FROM SEEING MY DECK! People see the color story in a spread + the powerful images + literally have to have it. Used it for my new moon pull yesterday + swooned at the perfect size of the cards + how easily they shuffle. Just want to let you know that every bit of magic you put into this deck came thru. Just really in awe of what you brought thru with this esoteric gallery of 78 mysteries. Huzzah to you!
– Shea in the Catskills (a tarot teacher & writer whose work can be found here)

I am a very satisfied customer, 10/10, would buy from [frank duffy] again!
This deck is EXTRAORDINARY and I am in LOVE
A MASTERPIECE. A true artist deck! The images are exquisite + the guidebook is pithy, fresh + visionary. The beauty + power of restraint in this deck reveals the artist’s deep, intimate relationship with the arcana.
the cards have such energy!
…the most beautiful tarot set ever
…absolutely incredible work – thank you so much for sharing it with us… oh my goodness, can’t get over it.
An absolute work of art
[Frank Duffy] tapped into something deep and true with this deck. I can’t wait to start working with it!